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A 'hands on' approach

To enable staff working in Design and Technology to complete training and hold up to date certificates in line with British Standard 4163:2014, the D&TA provide a variety of training courses.


It is my aim to deliver enjoyable and effective training courses. As a Registered Design & Technology Health & Safety Consultant (RDTHSC) I am able to provide accredited training on a wide variety of tools and equipment used within schools. 


I can deliver training at your school or from training centres in Bristol and Cardiff. 


Certificate areas range from the Core standards to the Specialist Extension Levels for equipment recognised as high risk.

I am able to deliver the following courses as either initial training or refresher training (for people who have completed initial training within the last 5 years).


PHS - These are standards set to support staff in primary schools to effectively teach D&T.

SFHS - The H&S in Food course covers the H&S implications of teaching and working with food in the context of schools. Level 2 food Hygiene can also be delivered. 

STHS - The textiles course covers the H&S implications through hands on training using sewing machines, over lockers and embellishers. Heat processes using heat press, irons, soldering irons and batik. This is typically a single full day course. 

SCHS - These are the core standards which DATA recommend as the base line point for all Design and Technology teachers.

SMHS - This qualification covers the  workshop tools which are used on a frequent basis by students and staff at KS3 and above. DATA recommend this qualification for all D&T teachers and support staff. This qualification is also an effective way of providing training for teaching assistants.

S1HS – Wood sawing machines (Band saw, Circular saw, Radial arm/chop saw)

S2HS – Centre Lathe for metal cutting

S3HS – Casting

S4HS – Metal arc welding

S5HS – Oxy acetylene welding

S6HS – Milling and machining machines

S7HS – Wood turning Lathe

S8HS – Planner Thicknesser machines

S9HS – Portable Power Tools (Router, table router, Portable circular saw, reciprocating saw, angle grinder, biscuit cutter, portable planer)

S10HS – Grinding and sharpening, including the changing of abrasive wheels. 

Please feel free to contact me to discuss your specific training requirements and I shall provide a no obligation bespoke plan for you. 

tel: 07925 212339 or email:

N.B Course cost quotes can be provided prior to any training commencing. Due to the the increase in business related costs prices have been revised April 2022 and all quotes will reflect this.  


Practical Training Ltd

registered in England and Wales, company number 09740421
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