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Approach the curriculum in a creative way. 

I lead creative sessions with learners of all ages from early years to trainee teachers!

I deliver sessions to pupils and also training for staff to safely teach through practical work themselves.

Through the use of practical work  I encourage learners to explore literacy, numeracy and key skills in a creative way.

As every project is bespoke to each school - give me a call, I would love to share some ideas with you.

Sessions with pupils

Early years music wall


What an enjoyable afternoon this was.


A real 'hands on' project which is an ideal design and make project for any early years class.

Foundation phase area


Not only did the children know what they wanted, they made it themselves!

Using their skills of measuring, shapes, practical skills, team work and resiliance - they achieved all of this!


Textiles to develop literacy


This project really did get ideas flowing!

When children invent their own characters, stories will begin. When they make their main character it really comes to life!

Whole class sessions for pupils start at

                                   £150 for a half day

                                   £250 for a full day

contact me for a no obligation quote as final costs vary with the materials being used.

It started with a length of softwood (and ended up developing storytelling!)

This project used practical skills with wood, textiles and green screen filming to create a variety of ways to generate creative stories.

The pupils made their own films. We had fun making these example ones to share -which are also a useful English Welsh resource. 

Having created books which can grow with their imagination stories can be shared for all to enjoy!

When used as a bilingual resource even more stories are created!

Using green screen with ipad apps to encourage creative storytelling (and writing!)

Green screen sessions can be delivered aimed at complete beginners to those more advanced.
The montage below shows the first time the school had used green screen apps. When combined with imovie there was no stopping them!

An African Akadinda


Based on an early African xylophone, the 'Akadinda' brought the year 4 pupils together to use maths and practical skills to make something the whole school can enjoy. 

Creative learning in practice....

Contact Practical Training to explore ways your pupils can use practical skills to enhance their learning. 

Practical Training Ltd

registered in England and Wales, company number 09740421
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